Monday, April 26, 2010

Good Morning and Challenge #15

Ok, so maybe I'm a day late....but I sure do have a clean scrap room.  I can't wait to get my computers and my cricut in there.  The delay is.....because I'm not ready to give up any more desk space, my husband needs to install a shelf on the wall above my desk for my monitors to sit on (I use 3 of them) and then I can fully move into the room.  Until them, I'm staying right where I am and all my stuff will be in the other room.

Ok, now for challenge #15 - LET'S GET CAUGHT UP (LGCU).....I know I'm 3 challenges behind so I think this week would be best spent catching up just a bit.  I have a couple of Dr's appts this week and then this weekend I'm in CT, WOOOHOOOOO....but I'll have Mistie help me get caught up.

Have a great week ladies!

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