Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Navigation Bar is Fixed!!

I know SOME of you were having problems posting because the navigation bar in the upper right hand corner had disappeared.  Well it seems it had been running with the widgets I had lost.  I found our widgets before but just captured the navbar.

Hopefully this makes things easier to post.  I still have to figure out how to get the font fixed up.  Cross your fingers!!



  1. No complaints here !!! lol
    I'm having a blast with this blog and just thrilled with SCAL!!!
    Thanks Wendy!!! This was a great idea!!!
    Got about 8 inches of snow yesterday! ugg
    Got that Townhouse made!!! I seem to get "sidetracked" every night with the Olympics!!! Guess I don't get enough SNOW so I need to go watch other people "play in it"!!!!!!!

  2. You need better adhesive on the navigation bar - it's slipping!!

  3. I suppose I should go find it huh?? Once I fixed it, I didn't change anything, wonder what happened.

  4. Wendy, I knew you could do it. :)
